Creating playgrounds and spaces for play that work is not a static endeavour. Part academic – part hands-on enthousiast , we love following new pedagogical insights and current design developments while also sharing best practices we have
distilled from our own projects.
Below are some of the articles and publications that reflect our work, our approach and our thinking on (green) Spaces for Play.
ARTICLE in Stedenbouw & Architectuur, special Schoolbuildings
“inject all neighborhoods with green oases for equal chances”
PAPER published in “The City at Eye Level for KIDS”. My chapter tackles the urge for space to play freely and free of charge worldwide!
CHAPTER about Designing inclusive urban spaces, published in “Our City?”. My paper: “what is a truly inclusive city for children & teenagers?” Who s city is it ~ chapter RKA
INTERVIEW for magazine Urban design & Architecture “No school-yards but green community areas’
MANUAL “design (f) or play? ~ creating landscapes to play”, has been published in “Learn Move Playground”. For sale in NAI bookshops
RESEARCH into the policy for childfriendly cities of 5 European cities for the South-Korean Land & Housing Corporation.
CATALOGUE of simple high-capacity play elements, based on children’s input, for Right to Play and Jantje Beton’s project “Power of Play’.
WINNER My research&method for “co-designed safe play-spaces” was one of the winners of the UNHCR innovation award. Interested in this approach?
NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Volkskrant architectuur ” Sssstad! Stilte in de stad” how greening schoolyards can create oases of silence in the turbulent city. 23rd April 2021